About Possum Road Church of God Print

The Possum Road Church of God was established in the Springfield, Ohio area over 50 years ago. We are a non-denominational church where God is our heavenly Father, Jesus is our Lord and Savior, the Bible is our textbook, and salvation makes us a member. Our lives and our message are what Jesus and his ministry proclaimed we have in the New Testament Kingdom of God:


- Victory over the evils of this world
- Peace with God
- Comfort from God
- Healing for the body and soul
- Understanding about life
- A heavenly environment
- The Spirit of God to bless us
- The grace of God to lift us
- The family of God to help and strengthen us
- Good cheer for our lives now and for the life to come


Our mission is to help people be established in the Lord Jesus, to be a praise in the earth, and to show God's love and truth to all. We cordially invite you to worship and grow with us in the Lord Jesus.


God bless you.